Loved this quote when I saw it recently as in so many ways it speaks truth for me right now. 💚

We are all trying to adapt again in what time surreal year is throwing at us especially those of us in small businesses.

Some days I have so many intentions of what I want to achieve in the day but the reality some of those days end up with me having to give in and focus in Mammy duties and doing the essential post bedtime or better naps .

Nature is a huge part to play in my life whenever I feel off kilter or not quiet sure how to begin something or where to even start . I generally have to get outside no matter what the weather even with kids all wrapped up .

If you find yourself having a non productive day or maybe overwhelmed in your new working environment why not try Opening a window/door or pop out for a quick walking or sit outside if a quick coffee/tea break.

Nature can reset you in magical ways 💚🍂🍃

With the kindest regards & gratitude,
Joanne 💚

#positivevibes #natureisahealer #reset #productiveday #bekindtoyourself #inthistogether #green #killaloe #killaloeballina #beyourownkindifbeautiful
